Tips and Ideas
The Family Network meetings should be in a setting where parents are relaxed and comfortable. With larger groups, nametags may be helpful. Your leadership group can decide what should be included in the program but here is a suggested program.
Have fruit juice, hot drinks, crackers and dip, or a healthy sweet (such as sliced fruit) available as parents enter.
Begin with prayer and a short devotional. (Discuss Deuteronomy 6:4-6 and how the Family Network can be helpful to parents and guardians in following these instructions.)
Take time for an icebreaker to help parents know and feel more comfortable with each other
a. Ask parents to find someone in the group they do not know well.
b. Interview this person to learn about one reason why they are proud of their family.
c. Allow time for individuals to share with their group what they discovered.
Parenting presentation (see the next page for ideas).
Announce the next meeting time and topic.
Close with prayer.
Ideas for Active Meeting
Here are a few activities which may be used instead of, or in addition to, a lecture.
Invite a panel of experts (older parents who can share their parenting stories or experts in parenting fields) to discuss the topic. Begin with some questions that will launch a general discussion of the topic. Then allow parents and guardians to ask specific questions. (These may be written beforehand or asked spontaneously.)
Have a book study group. Choose a good book on the topic and assign 1-3 chapters to be read for each meeting. At the meeting, discuss what you have read and how it applies to the families.
Show a video and discuss it.
If you use a lecture format, provide illustrations (use PowerPoint, pictures, or objects), handouts, examples, etc. Try modeling or demonstrating the suggestions you present.
For parents who are comfortable with each other and discussion-oriented, try a support group format. This is less structured and focuses on sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It may focus on a particular topic and use some of the follow-up activities suggested on the next page.
If you cannot find a knowledgeable individual to speak on a specified topic, you may choose to do it yourself. In this situation, read all you can find on the subject, then share what you have learned and tell how it worked for you. Finally, do a follow-up activity together.
Go together to a special parent event offered in the community.
Program Ideas
Play is for Real: Encouraging Healthy Play
Healthy Lunches
Guiding Entertainment Choices
Family Finance
Social Media and Kids
Teaching Kids About Sexuality
Positive Parenting
Time Management
Respect is for Everyone
Leading Your Child to Christ
Raising Kids Who Really Care
Teaching Kids About Prayer
Making Christian Standards Make Sense
Physical Development: Growing Healthy Kids
How Children Differ: Temperament and Personality
Setting Realistic Expectations
Discipline as Disciplining
Single Parenting
Safety Issues in Today’s World
Peer Pressure
How Your Family of Origin Can Affect Your Family Today
Enhancing Sibling Relationships
Growing a Support Network
Strengthening Family Communication
Exploring Nature: God’s Second Book
Helping Kids Deal with Prejudice
Teaching Kids How to Use the Bible
Positive Sabbath Keeping
Social Development: Helping Your Child be a Friend
Teaching Kids About Money
Constructive Discipline: Encouraging Positive Behavior
How to Thrive as a Non-Traditional Family
Raising Drug-Proof Kids
Creative Conflict Resolution
Styles of Parenting
Latchkey Kids and Other Child Care Issues
Keeping Marriage Fresh
Family Meetings: A Way of Solving Problems and Making Plans
Directing Your Child’s Spiritual Growth
Fostering a Mission Spirit
Creative Family Worships
Teaching About Work and Responsibility
Preparing Kids for Adulthood in the 21st Century
Dealing Positively with Negative Behavior
Nurturing Children with Disabilities
What You Need to Know About Child Abuse
Stress and the Family
Family Bonding: Growing Warm Relationships
Changing Family Roles
Taking Care of You
Encouraging Statements: Words that Make a Difference
Passing on Christian Values
Teaching Christian Courtesy
Growing a Spiritual Life: Involving Kids in Private Devotions
Teaching Kids to be Faithful Stewards
Intellectual Development: Learning In and Beyond School
Nurturing Creativity
Steps to Independence
Toys and Things for Kids
Anger Management for Parents and Kids
Dealing with Grief
Technology and Kids